Posted by : Unknown
Thursday, October 16, 2014
CoolNovo (ChromePlus) is a free web browser that offers users the same features and functionalities as the popular Google Chrome that offers users unique and distinctive features.
CoolNovo enables users to utilize a Double Click Tab function to close tabs from viewed web-pages which helps users close tabs without using the standard Close Button (X) often seen in typical web browser.
It also has a Super Drag feature that lets users drag a link in the page with the mouse’s left button and drop it anywhere in their viewed page. Like other web browsers, CoolNovos also supports Mouse Gestures.
CoolNovo also features Download Tools Support that provides users a selection of download tools such as NetAnts, Orbit, QQ Xuanfeng, IS, FlashGet3, FlashGetMini, NetX, WebThunder, Xunlei, and many more.
Overall, CoolNovo is a powerful yet easy to use web browser that offers users a unique and fun web browsing experience.